Quit Smoking

Ten years ago, February 2022, our CEO Malin #quitsmoking. If it wasn’t for it, she would not has been afforded the opportunity to run past the finish line of a half marathon, to hike to the very top of Ireland nor would she has met some of the people she today calls her friends!

Today is World Health Organization (WHO) #WorldNoTobaccoDay which allows us a moment to raise awareness, about the harmful and deadly effects of tobacco.

What steps can your organisation take to encourage and support smokers to quit?
  • Provide a Smokefree Campus?
  • Engage with the You Can Quit campaign which is ran by the HSE Ireland ?
  • Have a written practical Non-Smoking Policy in place?
  • Stop and ask what employees needs and wants with regards to support?

If you are not setting up the programme for your organisation then do it for you and, equally important, those and that around you. Tobacco harms the environment too.

#quit #NoTobacco #health #tobaccoexposed #workplacehealth