European Cancer Prevention Week

Almost 300 women are diagnosed with cervical cancer each year in Ireland. And it is important to acknowledge the battle that women fight during the treatment – not only as family, friends, but also as colleagues.

Last year we lost the beautiful Vicky Phelan to this horrid illness. She left us with motivation and inspiration to ensure that we continue to talk about this illness and how it affects women.

Returning to work may have a beneficial effect on the survival of patients with cervical cancer. This is why it’s so important that we talk about this at work.  With the improvement of cancer treatment, patients have a better prognosis after treatment and tend to return to work and returning to work after cancer treatment is an important symbol of disease control and the person getting back to a semblance of normal life. There are so many ways, as employers that we can support this transition back to work – hybrid working models, flexible hours, phased return, modified duties and so forth.

This week is European Cervical Cancer Prevention Week and we would like for you to join us in raising our voices to highlight the importance of regular testing and furthermore how we can support our women who are undergoing or recovering from cervical cancer treatment.


#modighealth #EuropeanCervicalCancerPreventionWeek