Asthma Care for All

“Asthma Care for All” is this year’s World Asthma Day theme that is highlighted throughout the work with campaigns and activities world wide. We would like to take it one step forward and highlight the importance of looking at ourselves as ones responsible for our health and safety at work, when it comes to the of workplace exposure to respiratory sensitiser. Some of the most exposed to the potential sensitisers are construction workers with many spray-in-place insulation products can lead to asthma if exposure is not properly controlled, agriculture, medicine, where about 8% to 12% of health care workers are sensitive to latex, which can cause a severe asthma-type reaction. As well as cleaning, textile and manufacturing workers and others.

As employees, we are responsible for taking care of our health and safety – we need to make sure we are following health and safety guidelines, follow procedures and take full advantage of our PPE at all times. As employers, it is our responsibility to do everything we can to ensure a safe working environment where exposure to substances which can cause asthma is prevented or controlled – an up to date Safety Statement, Risk Assessment, adequate control measures, information and training to employees and health surveillance where appropriate. And if an employee suffers from asthma – potential sensitisers in the workplace should be identified and a plan shall be put in place.